Today I turn
27 and I can't help but notice how different it is from any other birthday. The main difference of course is Rhonen. He woke me up at 6:30 this morning and we played and talked. Dustin came home with flowers and cake for later. We all went out to lunch at Sierra Nevada, but all the attention was on Rho. He is so amazing to have around that it is hard to remember what life was like before we had him. It has been a huge adjustment being a stay-at-home mom, I mean I've been working since I was 16! Most days it feels like the work I am doing isn't super important...wake up, take care of Rho, clean, feed Rho, exercise, cook, make sure Rho sleeps, etc. But when I really take the time to watch him, I know that what I am doing what is most important. Pouring all that hard work into our child and our home is building a great family. I think this will be a good year for me, one full of learning and new experiences.