Can you believe it?! Well... Rhonen is getting to be quite the little charmer. His little personality shows through more and more each day. He is very fun to play with and loves the interaction. Rhonen is very inquisitive and curious, wanting to get his hands on just about everything. His second tooth is pushing threw so it's really about getting his
mouth on everything. We started solids last month and, surprise, he's a great eater. Vegetables are his favorite followed by cereal. He does like fruit, but it's a little tart for him. Except for the bananas, he loves the bananas! I have been working on his sitting skills but he's more interested in rolling. Probaly because he can actually reach things that way.
He is growing so fast and getting so big. I think he's around 20 pounds, which is killing my back! I've been trying to swim and stretch to loosen up the muscles...I think it's working. He's got a doctors appointment this Tuesday so I'll post the new stats then. Here are some more pics I snapped on the 11th...

Can you see the enthusiasm fading?