Lately, all Rhonen wants to is take everything down. Down from the bookshelf, down from the changing table, down from the coffee table. Now if I could only teach him to put it all back!
YES!!!His first upper tooth finally came in this weekend! I feel like this tooth has taken two months to come in...probably not but teething is exhausting and I hate to see him in pain. I can't imagine how he is going to look with little front teeth :)
Seriously....he's adorable right now!!! Where do I start? Well, he now says Mama and Dada a lot. We're not sure if he knows that we are Mama and Dada, but we like to think so. Sometimes he'll sing a little baby tune when he's in the back of the car. I'm happy his verbal skills are developing early, I know he has a lot to say.
His activity level is still pretty high and he seems to need at least one outing per day. It's hard when it rains but we get creative. As far as walking is concerned, he takes a couple of steps when he's holding on to something but he's getting more adventurous each day. He likes to eat whatever we're eating and is still doing well with finger foods. We're still waiting for the two front teeth to appear but I'm sure it will happen within the next month. For now the sicknesses seem to have stopped, thank god! I could really use at least one full month without any sickies in the house. And he gives hugs and tries to give kisses, which is super sweet.
This is Rhonen making a b-line to the bathroom (his favorite room of the house, although we don't let him in there very often :) If he sees that door open he races to get there, army crawling the whole way.