What a wonderful holiday, Mother's Day! It's a day to be appreciated and pampered by those that love you. A day for reflection. A day when simple tasks become the most important task at hand. It's a day that we, as mothers, feel we deserve... because after all the self sacrifice we should get at least one day to be worshiped!
On this day last year I was going into labor with
Rhonen. Eighteen hours later he was welcomed into this world and our lives changed immensely. Mother's day for me is a reminder. The beginning of a life, the pure joy of a child, and the power of being a mother. It is an instinct that comes sometimes later in life, but has somehow always been there, dormant inside waiting for a child to awaken it. Nothing has ever given me more joy, sense of worth, or purpose than mothering. I look into his eyes and know that as I am helping teach and mold him, he is making me into the person I always wanted to be, a mother.