My sister's dog Callie is one of Rhonen's favorite friends! Here is a clip from her visit last week.
Jackson developed Thrush in his mouth a while back and boy! is it hard to eradicate!! First we tried a prescription given to us by his pediatrician, Nystatin. That did not work. The doctor's next recommendation was another heavy duty anti-fungal called Diflucan. I wasn't too keen on that so we tried a homeopathic remedy called Gentian Violet. It's been used for decades, but because of it's messy nature it isn't widely used today. As you can see it turns everything bright purple! So for about three days Jackson has a purple mouth. But it worked when the prescription's didn't and I was able to avoid wiping out all of his good gut bacteria :) I'll take it!
Can you believe it? I wish I could just freeze him right now and have a sweet little baby on my hip for ever :) Jackson is growing so fast before our eyes and there are some key personality traits emerging. The first...he's particular. He doesn't like dirty diapers, he likes quiet when napping, and he doesn't like the bottle. The latter has become quite the conundrum. About a month ago he developed thrush, which is a yeast infection that occurs in the mouth. I didn't realize that he had it until just recently. In the mean time...he completely refused the bottle. He absolutely... 100% will have nothing to do with it! I'm not sure if he'll ever accept it again. So now Dustin brings Jackson to my work so I can nurse him. The things we do for our kids :)
Jackson is a happy baby and loves looking at people, especially his dad. Whenever Dustin is in the room Jackson follows him until he gets a glance. Then... a big smile! He is a great talker already and loves to watch his brother. Rhonen loves to give him hugs all day long. It's pretty stinkin' cute! We'll see what his next set of numbers are when he visits our pediatrician next week. Every night I think how lucky we are to have these two healthy and happy boys.