Last weekend I took Rhonen to my friend Amy's house to relax by her pool. It wasn't too hot and he really seemed to like being outside. There were so many new things for him to look at, including three cute dogs. I am getting more confident when I am taking him out. Mostly it is a formula of making sure he is full and dry before we go anywhere. Of course, that doesn't always work. He is still the dictator! But for the most part, he is happy to go along for the ride. We want him to be a good traveler so the more outings we can go on the better. I want to take him to Sacramento to see my family, but it might be another month before he is ready for that trip. Each day he is becoming more interactive, I love it!
These pictures are so precious!!! I swear it seems like just yesterday that A. was Rhonen's age! I also found out the best way to get a baby to travel is to just do it. I always had so much anxiety before we went anywhere, but the baby was always fine!! Go figure! As long as he's with you he feels "home" so you can take him anywhere =)