Dustin was finally able to get some time off of work so we took our first "mini" vacation as a family. We headed down to Santa Cruz on Saturday to visit Dustin's sister Shawna, along with her husband Chad and our beautiful niece Ekite. On the way down we had lunch with my Grandma and Grandpa in Elk Grove. It was great to see them again and it was a perfect pit stop for Rho. Thanks for the great lunch Gigi! Once we got to San Jose Dustin and Chad went to the 49er Practice. Apparently those football players are even bigger in person! Then on Sunday Dustin and I took Rhonen to his first baseball game. We all took to Caltrain up to San Francisco and watched the Giants pummel the Phillies! It was a great game and our baby did great. Even with roar of the stadium, he didn't cry (almost, but it stopped with the lower lip)! On Monday, Shawna and Ekite took us the boardwalk. I love that place! There is nothing better than riding the Giant Dipper along the beach. Dustin and I even got the front seat!

On Tuesday, we drove back up to San Francisco. On the way we stopped at Sam's Chowder House in Half Moon Bay and had an amazing lunch. Then we just walked around the city for the rest of the day. We love San Fran, it's just got an great feel and of course, great food. Wednesday we decided to go home, I think Rhonen had enough traveling because he was kind of grumpy. So we took him to the Wharf, had some more crab and headed home. We made one last stop at the Jelly Belly factory...we've always wanted to stop :) I couldn't believe how busy it was! Anyway, we stocked up on candies and finished our drive. Rhonen slept almost the entire way. And he proved to be quite the traveler! He was so interested in the new surroundings. I can see why he was grumpy that last day, it must be exhausting trying to process so many new things.

It was great to take a little trip, it reminds me of South America...only way more challenging. Have you ever tried to pack for a baby? It is incredible how much stuff you need, or think you need. Oh well, I guess it's all part of having this beautiful boy!