Monday, August 10, 2009

In to the Crib

When we returned from our trip Rhonen was having some difficult nights to say the least. He would thrash around all night keeping both of us awake. I tried to feed him but he would eat two or three times. He just seemed uncomfortable. So we decided it might be time for the crib. He has been sleeping with us since he came home, it was just easy to feed him and feel reassured having him close by. But I suppose those days are over. The last couple of days we have been moving him to his crib after getting him to sleep (there is no way on this green earth he would ever fall asleep by himself!) and he is doing much better. I am adjusting to the monitor, it is much harder to wake up to that rather than having Rho stirring next me. I think he will learn to really like his crib and his room, so it is a good time to get him adjusted to being in there.

It makes me a little sad that he no longer sleeps with us, just another sign he is growing quickly and a reminder to appreciate each day I have at home with him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you Ellie! I haven't been able to do the same, although Adelaide doesn't keep us up at I guess I haven't found a reason to.I'm sure you will be very happy that you did this, and you and Dustin will be able to sleep better. You are a very good mommy - I love reading your blog.
