I finally took the plunge and bought some cloth diapers. I love all the fun colors and I feel so much better about using them
over disposables. I bought
fuzzi bunz diapers, which are pocket diapers and they seem really well made. I also bought some biodegradable rice paper liners which make the messy diapers a lot easier to clean up. Trying to be as green as we can ;~)
Yay Ellie I'm so proud of you! I totally forgot that I have 2 Fuzzy Bunz myself...I just forgot! I hope you like them! I use them for diaper covers over the prefolds because mine always leaked =(. I have heard you can also put the prefolds inside to be more absorbant then the liners they come with! I hope you like them and I'm so proud of you for doing all the hard work without even owning a washer and dryer!!