Ten months old...can you believe it? He is growing so fast! Thank goodness for this blog to help me keep track of his developments. So...the top two teeth are in and they are big! No wonder it was such an ordeal for him. We'll see how many more teeth pop up in the next few months. Another big change is Rhonen will now let go of whatever he is hanging on to while standing. He puts his little hands out to balance and then eventually falls. It just one more little step towards walking. He hasn't picked up any more words but we're sure he knows that WE are mama and dada.
On Sunday we are leaving for a family trip to Yosemite...I can't wait. I've never been and for some reason I feel guilty about that. I've lived in California all my life, why haven't I been to Yosemite?! Well that's about to be fixed :) I wish I could say we going to camp but the truth is...I'm just not that brave. It's cold and we have a 10 month old. Reason enough. So we're staying in a hotel with a jacuzzi tub...sounds more like it. It should be a great trip and I'll post some pictures when we return.
What a big boy he is! I bet he'll be walking before Adelaide! We will see in a few weeks! I've never been to yosimite either. I feel guilty too...wish we could join you1 We will be in Chico April 5-8th so I hope you guys are home!