A tale of two brothers and the adventures that happen each day
Sunday, April 11, 2010
11 Months Old
Rhonen was enjoying some honeydew melon today...as you can see :) He has quite the appetite, which makes us nervous for the teenage years. Oh well, one thing at a time. This month he has been working on his balance and walking skills. He can now take about five steps if he sets himself up correctly. Most of the time he wants to go faster than he is able. He's going to be a quick little guy. He does a lot of baby babble and we can tell he's trying to tell us something, what that is we're not sure. Rhonen has six teeth and two more are about to come through. I can't believe his first birthday is next month! This has been an amazing year and we're thankful to have had so much time to spend with him.
Time flies way too fast. He is such a doll. So glad to see you are all doing well.