Jackson John Holley
Born Sunday, September 19, 2010 at 2:26pm
Weight: 7lbs 1oz
Height: 19 inches
My contractions started on Friday evening. I didn't even realize I was having them for a few hours because it was Rhonen's bedtime and I was doing our routine like every other night. Finally it dawned on me...hey these pains feel like labor pains! I got excited! Finally this baby was on his way. I jumped into gear and finished my packing for the hospital and for Rhonen. We had made arrangements for him to stay with my dad while we were in the hospital. Dustin called around 9:30 and I told him the good news. But as soon as I did the contractions slowed down. What the heck?! I tried to relax, I tried to exercise, I tried a glass of wine...nothing helped. Feeling disappointed I just went to sleep. I continued to have contractions all through the night but they were very inconsistent and by the time morning came they had stopped all together.
So we went to the farmer's market as usual and then to the park so Rhonen could play. Still no contractions. We all came home and took a nice long nap then Dustin was off to work. Around 6pm the contractions started up again. OK...here we go. They were coming more frequently and getting stronger. This was the real thing for sure! I called my dad to give him fair warning...there may be a 2am wake up call tonight. I told Dustin they coming every 15 minutes and he should probably head home. Well, by the time he did come home the contractions were slowing way down again! It was as if the baby could hear me telling him it was time and decided to show me just who was in charge. For the rest of the night the contractions came only once or twice per hour. But they were getting more intense. Just enough to keep me from getting any sleep. At 4am I had a really strong one and I decided I had had enough! I woke up Dustin and called my dad. I needed to know what was going on. How far along am I? I thought I was surely 4cm dilated by now and they would have to admit me.
We arrived at the hospital around 5am. The nurse hooked me up the fetal monitor and checked to see how dilated I was. "3-4cm" she told me. "I need you to walk around for an hour. Come back and we'll check you again. If your 4cm we'll keep you." Great I thought...now after all this I'm still only 3! So Dustin and I did laps around that hospital. I climbed stairs. I did squats. We returned after an hour and I was 4-5cm! Thank goodness ;) The nurse admitted us and started getting the water birthing room ready. It took a minute for me to remember how to labor. I knew I needed to use my voice and my breath to cope with the pain. Rest between contractions and save my strength for later. With Rhonen's birth I was committed to an all natural birth, and I was successful in doing that. This time around I again wanted to refrain from drugs but I also thought the process would go much faster. At least that's what everyone told me.
Finally we got into the room and I immediately jumped into the shower. Endless hot water had never sounded so good. I moved from the shower... to the ball... to the bed several times. After about six hours of this I was starting feel exhausted. At 12:30 my midwife came in to check my progress. I was only 6cm dilated! "If you really want to get things going, I'll break your water". I had to think about this for a minute. As soon as the water breaks it gets quite a bit more painful. But I also wanted this to be over so I gave her the OK. Sure enough the contractions really got moving. I went back to the shower for some relief. All of a sudden I felt nauseous and dizzy. My nurse came into check the baby's heart rate and I told her I wasn't feeling well. She called for another nurse who brought in a wheel chair. They took me to the bed to see how far along I was. With the next contraction I felt the urge. I told them I had to push.
"Do you want us to set up the tub?"
"yes...wait! No" "I don't want to have to move! Is it too late for drugs? "
My midwife told me that getting drugs would take too long. She thought this baby was coming fast and we should just get ready to have the baby on the bed. I didn't care at this point where I had the baby. Dustin however, thought I should deliver on the birthing stool like I did with Rhonen. He told my midwife that I had a problem the last time in the bed and I really did better in a sitting position. I'm so glad he spoke up. On the bed the contractions were insanely painful and I could feel the urge only sometimes. As soon as I stood up I could bear down much more and I felt the urge with every contraction.
Within about twenty minutes Jackson was born. He came out screaming...a very nice thing to hear. They handed him to me and I looked down at our baby overjoyed. Dustin was behind me...he kissed me on the cheek and said "you did it...he might be better looking than Rhonen :)"