So here I am...officially full term! The baby is fully developed and could arrive any day! I think I might have another week or two but you never know, he could decided to come tonight. The anticipation is killing me...along with the sleepless nights, heartburn and general discomfort. Despite all of these ailments...I am enjoying these last days of pregnancy. The nesting instinct is in full gear and I am trying to prepare as much as possible. We have a lot of things going on right now and I think that's helping me keep my mind occupied. I am still working, but that can stop any time I need to. I think
Rhonen can sense the baby will be here soon. He is always trying to lift my shirt up to touch my belly. He lays his head down and gives the baby kisses...so sweet! This will likely be my last photo as a pregnant woman, I don't feel like posing for the camera much. So the next time you see me I will have my babe in my arms.
You look so beautiful!!! I'm so excited for you guys...you are doing such an amazing job being a mama. I feel so blessed to have you as a friend. I can't wait to see you all! xoxox