Friday, May 11, 2012

Rhonen turns 3!

It's hard to believe, but our baby Rho is now a big boy 3 years old! On his birthday we surprised him with a state of the art kitchen. He loves to help us in the kitchen and really enjoys cooking with Dustin. So we splurged on his gift, and wow! it was worth every penny. He was thrilled to uncover his gift.

 After lunch with Dustin and Jackson, I took the boys to our favorite park! We played for a while and enjoyed the beautiful day.

Rhonen is blossoming before us into a little boy. I can say that he is no longer a baby and is leaving toddler hood quickly behind him. He will  be starting preschool for a summer session in June and then back in August for the regular school year. We couldn't be more proud of our son! He is a sweet child, a loving brother, and an insightful, adventurous boy! Happy Birthday Rhonen.

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